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Showing posts from May, 2016

How much of silence is golden?

I got this forward on Whatsapp recently, which I got time to browse through only this evening. Nothing much got registered up there, and I instantly forgot about it. You may now wonder what has prompted me to write about it... When to be silent... was the forward. I went through the same again, this time with total concentration. And I was not wrong by being silent. I could now connect well, and someone's reputation was at stake. Nor did I want any fame. And I'm not a publicity monger either. So I was absolutely right by remaining silent. I prefer doing many things in silence. And when done, I don't like to beat the trumpet or even take any credit whatsoever small or negligible. I get full satisfaction that I have done my duty; and done it on time. Without anyone goading me or reminding me several times about my deadline. But that doesn't mean that I should not get my due. Though I do not strive towards earning laurels, I think I deserve a small acknowledgmen