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Crime Alert

For an hour or so, I was forced to sit idle because there was no power at home. Only then did I realise that I had become a television addict, of late. No, I'm not the mega serial lover or the movie buff, but one who likes to watch anything that comes straight out of real life or everyday happenings. 

I'm not a news addict either, but something connected to crime, law and punishment makes me sit glued to my chair, in front of the TV for hours. Sometimes, I switch channels only when I feel it is an overdose of crime. We have enough crime happening in real life these days. Will watching these real stories, picturised straight out of police diaries, make others alert and cautious? Will it make an impact on the society and bring about a change?

These questions flood my thoughts every time I watch an episode, and often the answer is summarised into a big NO. Crime headlines make people sit up and think. There's a follow-up for a couple of days more, and then we tend to forget the incident. Not because it is out of picture but because it is lost in the vast expanse of criminal happenings day in and day out. It is like a pandora's box of unpleasant events which are simply waiting to happen. 

At least the awareness drive has kicked off, in the form of case files, showcased on television. Bold subjects are discussed in the open, and episodes are produced close to the original. The characters are portrayed by commoners, and that definitely makes a bigger impact. We know it is not the hero-heroine dominated love triangle that often ends in a 'lived happily ever after' ending. And I'm sure there are no unnecessary visual effects added, either. 

Watching eye-opening real life episodes are any day better than botched-up, rigmarole, artificial, heavy-budget films that make huge box-office earnings out of gyrating, skimpily clad heroines and macho man heroes whose stunt sequences are usually done by look-alikes. Thousands of vulnerable people fall victims to crime everyday across the country, and every incident does send a loud social message.

If we cannot wipe out crime from our country, the least we can do is prevent such events and reduce the crime rate. Change should begin with every individual, and be palpable. Become aware of the happenings around you and stay alert round the clock. Being a victim of crime or remaining silent on such happenings is a crime in itself. 

Of course, crime never pays. Case files on crime do teach a lesson - to stay alert.

Queen of Questions


  1. I agree! Awareness of self- defence techniques is the need of the hour, especially for women.

    1. Wonder when the pepper spray in my own purse will be used against me !

    2. You have let the cat out of the bag!!


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