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Tackling the Compulsive freebie: Do you want to be wise or smart?

Anything that comes for free is exciting. Some of us shop for things that have a 'free' tag... though nothing comes actually free, and most of us are actually aware of it. So why are we so attracted towards it? No answer, in most cases. 

There's one thing, however, that no one would take for free. And it's a Compulsive freebie -- Advice. It is abundantly available on a daily basis, right from the time one wakes up. Parents, elders, teachers, guardians, well-wishers, friends... the list of advice providers is never-ending.

Sometimes, we have to digest the thorn in the flesh, and take at least one percent of the Compulsive freebie that comes to us, unsolicited. Though we may be reluctant to accept it in the beginning, advice does a lot of good in the long run. 

Sit back, relax and think, do not take any decision when you are under stress, or under compulsion. This magical tonic of Compulsive freebie does work wonders when taken in small doses, at the appropriate time... No, this is not a freebie from me... Simply read on...

In fact, advice benefits both the persons involved. The person giving advice says something out of personal experience. By advising, he or she is preventing another disaster from happening, because the pros and cons are evident. The confused person at "the receiving end" gets direction and can easily walk the path of life, without actually undergoing any unpleasant experience. 

But you may argue that life is not the same for everyone. The situations and circumstances are not similar to those of the past. Yes. That's why it is wiser to analyse the past experience given in the form of advice, and apply the mind in tackling the present situation.

How well you handle the present depends on the amount of research and analysis done, of the past. But who has the time for all this? The mind thinks logically, analyses to the 'T' and lists the pros and cons. But are you happy with your decision? If you are not, you are missing something! So here's the secret...

Do not hesitate to take the Compulsive freebie. Activate your mind to the maximum, and be logical and analytical. But give your decision some time. 

Close your eyes, give yourself a moment, and listen to your heart. Sometimes it is difficult to get both your mind and heart to agree on something. And the two may even be far apart. Remember one thing -- being illogical sometimes helps. Especially, while taking crucial decisions in life. The smartest way of making decisions is to follow your heart. 

So do you want to be wise or smart?

Queen of Questions


  1. Awesome! I agree wholeheartedly with you when you say one has to follow this or her own heart. It may not appear logical or sane at the time, but there is always a feeling of inner peace when you know you've listened to your heart.


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