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I'm petrified...

I'm petrified...
Of a simple five-letter word
Which no one can defy
Or confront or disregard
Or defeat or overpower
Or challenge or dispute

Even the latest gadgets and gizmos
Cannot breathe life into
Or revert or rewind
Or delay or defer
Or  simply take it for granted

I'm petrified...

No, I'm not afraid
Of the death of a dear one
Or the loss of a beloved
Or the demise of a soul
Or the passing away of someone special
It is inevitable...

But doom is certain
When an abstract most valued
Just slips away from our hands
At a place the scariest
At an hour the darkest
With an outcome the deadliest

I'm petrified...

Everyone is born with it
But no one nurtures it
Or cultivates it  
Or perpetuates it
And it dies an immature death

I'm petrified...
Of the untimely death
Of truth and honesty.


  1. So true! The first lessons we learn in life even as children are lying and cheating..

  2. "petrify"- is so apt a word to describe when that happens to you, the strange uneasiness and weight and what not in the heart that cries helplessness.


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