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Traffic Hazard

Every time I travel for longer than half an hour, one of two things is bound to happen - I get lost in thought, or doze off.

Whether it is in a bus or train or car or whatever, I simply can't seem to control myself from drifting off. I've even tried listening to music, but all it does is distract my mind from the road to the lyrics.

As soon as I had reached the eligible age, I learnt driving and obtained my driver's license both for 2- as well as 4-wheeler. That was a mere formality.

Even as I tried to learn driving, every neuron in my body screamed out loud that I'm not cut out to drive. It is not just that I may be mentally absent while driving. I have no sense of direction, and frequently muddle up my lefts and my rights and my straights. Reverse is entirely another matter.

How is it even possible to remember all the roads? And all the one-ways and no entries? And the endless flyovers and bypasses? I often require a map to my own house, and that I may end up reading upside down.

Add to the mix a set of people who make it a habit to break traffic rules. Pure mayhem for me.

So when people ask me why I don't drive a vehicle when it is so convenient in endless ways, I just have one answer. I'm doing a favour to society, and reducing what would be my share of road traffic accidents.

Loud Speaker


  1. Mmmmmmmmmmuaaah my sweetest loud speaker, you are unlike the anti-social me! But well, a doctor who doesn't lose track of her patient can very well drive a car, its as simple as cooking a meal. I love driving, that's when i relax my mind, endless thoughts come to my mind too, but that's the only time when I seek pleasure in my thoughts. So, take a long drive alone, and just give yourself to it. You will discover more of yourself.

  2. it is great to drive and getting lost in thoughts.......whatever the problem may be ,it wont be changed but after a long ride in beach road the mind will be very much relaxed.......afterall a problem has to come to an end in only two ways 1) has a solution - so no need to worry 2) has no solution - then why the hell to worry


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